Saturday, June 14, 2008

To Lyric

About your first comment on teaching people that "The Way" is to emulate females .... your professors may have interpretted it that way, but Lao Tzu says to be female is to be the center of life, the giver of life in all things. Obviously Lao Tzu was pretty evolved for his time. Yes, the basic teaching is to simplify, to give up the need for acquisition of things, to give up the need for control, to learn and to love all things living. Good teachings.

1 comment:

Lyric said...

thats really neat. yes, my philosophy professor, gently stated, could be termed a "cynic." then again, he did spend upwards of six years getting a degree that 'focuses on creating arguments and distorting things to make them say what you want them to say'... this he said himself many times throughout the semester...good ole arkansas educators, huh?